Christ Church Walkley is REFORMED...
Christ Church Walkley stands in the stream of Christian thinking and practice that flows from the Reformation’s recovery of certain aspects of the bible’s teaching. As such, we want to continue to teach and emphasise:
A God-centred approach to salvation
Christ alone – Who is the only mediator between God and humanity. Salvation is found only in him. His unique person, life, work, and intercession are the sole basis for sinners to be reconciled to God and obtain eternal life. Therefore, salvation is based on:
Grace alone – Salvation is only possible because of and by the grace of God, and is therefore a free gift given to undeserving sinners. We take hold of this gracious salvation in Christ by:
Faith alone – Sinful people are saved only by placing their trust in Christ as he is offered in the gospel, and not by their own good works.
The glory of God alone – This gospel of grace therefore excludes all boasting except in God, who alone deserves glory and praise for the salvation of sinful people.
A God-centred approach to authority
Scripture alone – Scripture is the church’s final authority in all matters of life and doctrine. It contains everything necessary for life and godliness. Even when they are useful, tradition, reason and experience must be put in subjection to scripture. This leads to the next two convictions, namely:
The need for reformation – The Christian Church must continually seek to reform its life and doctrine in line with the scriptures.
The priesthood of all believers – All Christians have access to God’s presence in heaven through Christ, and therefore all have the privilege and duty of serving God as his priests.
A God-centred approach to the world
The sovereignty of God over all of life – As the Creator and Sustainer of all things, God is the rightful loving ruler and King over all things. There is no sacred-secular divide in creation, and there should be no such divide in our lives. All things belong to and matter to God, and the Christian must endeavour to relate all things to the Saviour and Lord of all things, Jesus Christ.