Christ Church Walkley is supported by the generous giving of its members. Amongst other things, our giving is a recognition that all we have comes from God (Psalm 50:12), shows our dependence on him, focuses our hearts on heaven (Matthew 6:20-21) and it enables the church to do what God has called us to.
We are called to give with love and cheerfully (1 Corinthians 13:3, 2 Corinthians 9:7-8). Giving is a matter of the heart and discipleship before a matter of need. The smallest amount can be the most valuable in God’s sight, because it shows something of your love for him (Mark 12:41-44).
If you’d like to give to Christ Church Walkley we’d encourage you to pray and decide what you can give cheerfully and generously. You could also talk to someone else you trust about what might be right to give too. It’s easier for us administratively if people give by standing order and our bank details and Gift Aid form are below. If you’d like to give by another means then contact us at and we can work something out.
Bank Details:
Account Name: CC Walkley
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 67287413
Gift Aid Form - Please return to