Christ Church Walkley is EVANGELICAL...
‘Evangelical’ comes from the greek word for ‘gospel’ which means ‘good news’ – the message of Jesus which is at the very centre of what God has to say to us in the bible. Christ Church Walkley wants to stand alongside those Christians down the ages who have been identified as ‘evangelical’ in being faithful to the following distinctive understandings of what the gospel teaches us about:
The Cross – Jesus, in his death on the cross, bore God’s wrath as the penalty for our sin, in our place, in order to reconcile us to God.
The Bible – The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired, inerrant, clear, sufficient, authoritative and powerful word of God. The prayerful preaching of the Scriptures is central to the life of God’s people.
Mission – Proclamation of the Gospel is central to the church’s obedience to the Great Commission.
Conversion – In order to be saved, individuals must turn from their sin and put their trust personally in the Lord Jesus Christ.